- Loan advice
- Easy applications
- Quick loan approval
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[Accessed May 2, 2023]
Swinburn - Many loan options to choose from
The Swinburne University of Technology offers a range of courses and has been operating for more than 100 years.
Their aim is to provide education to those students that come from disadvantaged backgrounds and help transform their community through education, transformation and social engagement and assist to ensure access to the range of student loans available.
Their vision
Their vision is to build their capacity to help more students by investing in their people, processes and systems they aim to grow confident and enterprising learners that create a social impact.
They aim to create learners that will solve complex problems and become global leading citizens.
Research that provides impact
The research and development that their students undertake will transform the industry and help shape the lives and communities of those that are affected.
They strive to encourage innovation, especially in the fields of science and technology.
Their loans are affordable
Swinburne offers a wide range of course options over a diverse range of disciplines. They offer a wide range of scholarships that are there to assist students with paying their tuition.
They aim to promote equity and help those students recognise their potential and achieve their life’s goals.
These scholarships are aimed at students that are from a disadvantaged background and those students that have relocated to study.
Other programs that a student may qualify for include:
- The high achiever's program
- Swinburne early leaders program
- Global leadership program
- Professional master’s degree program
- Swinburne courses that are taught overseas
Some students may qualify for a HECS-HELP student loan that they can use to help pay for their tuition and other educational-related expenses.
Swinburne – Student loan
- Loan Type Student loans
Benefits of Swinburne
- Affordable student loans
- Flexible study options
Student loan calculator
Swinburne - get the education you have dreamed off
To apply for HECS- HELP you will need to:
- Log onto My Financial with your SIMS login details that you have been provided
- Click on the HELP forms and chose the correct one
- The Commonwealth Support and HECS-HELP form will be generated that you must complete with all your relevant details
- Make sure all your details that were generated are correct
- You will need to enter your Tax File Number
You can then submit your online loan application form and they will get back to you with an outcome.
VET student loans
If you are a local student then you might qualify for a VET student loan. You can apply for this type of loan if you are studying for a certain Diploma, advanced diploma and Graduate certification courses.
VET student loan requires you to meet certain eligibility requirements including:
- The student must be an Australian citizen and be studying at a university in Australia
- The student must hold a permanent visa and live in Australia
- The student will need to provide an international movements record
- The student must achieve an Exit Level score of a 3 or higher in the Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assessment
- The student must have completed secondary school and received a certificate
- The student must hold an AQF level certification IV or higher and provide a copy of the certificate
If the student is under 18 years old
If the student that is applying is under the age of 18 then they need to provide the following when they apply for a VET student loan.
- The student’s parent or guardian will need to sign the VET loan and the parent consent form
- If the student receives Youth Allowance then they will need to provide proof of this.
- To obtain a VET Student loan or parent consent form email them at: tafefees@swin.edu.au
Student’s responsibility
If you are granted a VET loan it may not cover all your educational-related costs as the VET student loan is capped at a maximum amount.
This amount can be paid off early or a payment plan can be set up to help the student better manage paying the outstanding fees.
VET – HELP Loan repayments
Once you have finished studying you will need to repay your HELP student loan. The repayment amount will be calculated by how much you earn and you will be charged a higher percentage of tax towards your loan amount.
If your VET Loan has been approved you will need to submit your request to the government via the Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAf)
The government will send you an access code via email that you will need to access your loan and link you to Ecaf. You will not be able to access the loan without an Ecafe form.
Keeping you informed
They will keep you informed and before each census date, they will send you a VET Student Loan Notice that will outline the fees and other details of your loan. You will be sent a Common Wealth Assistance Notice after the census to confirm the amount that you are required to pay.
To cancel a VET Loan
If you no longer want to pay for your VET Student loan you must notify them by sending an email to studentHQ and letting them know that you plan to cancel your VET student loan. You will be responsible for all fees that are not covered by the VET loan.
VET Progression
To continue to receive a VET student loan you will need to submit a progression form through the ecaf system whenever you progress.
Customer Reviews & Testimonials
Swinburne Contact
Physical Address
- John Street Hawthorn Victoria 3122 Australia
- Get Directions
Opening Hours
- Monday 08:30 – 17:00
- Tuesday 08:30 – 17:00
- Wednesday 08:30 – 17:00
- Thursday 08:30 – 17:00
- Friday 08:30 – 17:00
- Saturday – Closed
- Sunday – Closed