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Everything you need to know about borrowing

8 ‘Must-know’ tips to manage your payday loans

Payday loans are a brilliant way to bridge the gap between paydays. With loan amounts up to $2,000 that you'll only need to pay back after 16 days, this is the perfect quick credit solution.

The biggest selling point of a payday loan is that it's po...
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10 financial tips for newly-wed Aussies

The best advice you'll be given as newlyweds is to start saving money as soon as...
How to make same-day loans work for you

Same-day loans are one of the most popular forms of credit and can be of enormou...
Agriculture finance in Australia: Growing your finances & your crops

Agriculture and farming is a vital part of Australia’s infrastructure, with the ...
4 Hidden dangers of debt consolidation

Debt consolidation involves taking out one large debt to pay out several smaller...
3 Types of business loans available to Australians

For many small business owners in Australia, obtaining finance for your small bu...
Getting approved for your first car loan in Australia

Getting as much information as possible on vehicle loans and requirements will m...
How to choose the right home loan in Australia

There are different kind of mortgage loans available and all have their very own...
Car loans for people with bad credit

If you need car finance but you know your credit score is not as good as you wou...
The best credit cards in Australia

A credit card gives you access to revolving credit that you can spend to make pu...