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Everything you need to know about borrowing

10 Ways you’re ruining your credit score

From failing to keep up with your loan repayments and taking on much debt to failing to check your credit report or ignoring inaccuracies, these are the 10 ways that you’re ruining your credit score.

Why a good credit score is important?Anyone that ...
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A guide to saving money & hitting your financial targets every time

While it’s important to increase your earnings and try to bring in additional ca...
Australia’s TOP 8 loan myths & mistakes

From the common myth that debt consolidation will help you save money on your de...
3 Ways to consolidate your debt & save

If you have a number of debts and are struggling to keep up with the required pa...
Erase your debt & start fresh through debt consolidation

More and more Australian citizens struggle with paying their bills or having eno...